Diagetic sound- sounds added to a scen eg music, explosions.
Non-diegetic sound- sounds that happen naturally in a scene eg footsteps, wind blowing, leaves.
Chords-major has a happy, uplifting tone.
minor has a sad, gloomy tone.
Tempo-fast makes it feel energetic and gives it a movement.
slow makes it feel lethargic.
Dynamic-loud (farte) to get your attention, feel the emotions more because its louder.
quiet (piano) usually background music or used to make viewer focused.
changing quiet-loud builds intensity.
loud-quiet draws focus.
Vibes fast tempo upbeat song.
loud Dynamic.
major chord.
slow tempo lethargic.
quiet Dynamic
minor chord.
Intro tempo moderate gives the scene a movement but its on and off.
chords minor unsettling vibe to the scene.
dynamic changing starts quiet and gets louder, grabs our attention, builds emotion and intensity.
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